Predictions R Us

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Admit it! All you ever wanted to do in life was to predict. And a decade rolling around doesn’t happen every day, does it? So wear that ridiculous thinking cap if need be and get to work!

No worries, nobody expects your predictions to turn out true. But if they do you get bragging rights. For the next ten years. See, you just cannot lose. So start twirling that cap (you got it on right?) and predict with abandon.

What should I predict you ask? May I point out that it is not a particularly bright question? Just look around. People are coming out of the woodwork with predictions in hand for everything under the sun! Want some inspiration? Right about now everybody is making all those resolutions remember. They are always a safe bet to push some predictions on. Let us get with it then!

You want to get and stay healthy and happy in 2020 and beyond right? What a dumb question to ask, who does not? The kind folks at USA TODAY have 20 things that will help you eat better and get in shape in 2020. The folks at Business Insider have the 20 foods for 2020 that everyone will be eating apparently. Not to be outdone, Jenny Crag has launched her own 20 new foods for 2020. Perhaps you could write about 20 supplements to start 2020 with? Does not look like it is taken yet. Somebody had a list of 7 supplements for 2020. Really? What part of 20 do they not get, unbelievable!

You will not make that rookie mistake of course and always prep a 20 long list no matter what you predict. Right? I see you are worried that you have to make 30 predictions in 2030 and 40 in 2040 and so forth… Just do not overthink this alright? We will cross the bridge when we get there. Apologies to the thinking cap, but thinking is not a requirement for making predictions.

Anyway back to making predictions. Food is not perhaps your cup of tea, so how about all that ML/AI buzz you have been gaga about lately? It is a literal gold mine for predictions, you know that right? And you can even make predictions about the predictors.

But more practically, may I suggest you write about the top 20 ML algorithms for 2020? Did not see that taken. The good thing is you will just have to find 10 more in 2030. You see, as your grandma always said, good algorithms are hard to find! And they do stick around – God bless them.

As for coding, have you seen these top 20 NodeJs frameworks for 2020? Or the top 20 mobile development frameworks for 2020? Do not ask why you need 20 frameworks for doing anything! You should be able to come up with the top 20 of some tech right? But watch out – anything top 20 with python is taken, Ms. Data Science! But the good old PERL seems open for the picking. How about the top 20 PERL one-liners for 2020? I bet the kids coming out of school nowadays can learn a thing or two from that!

I see that you have also been hanging out with BERT and friends lately. How many BERTs are there nowadays by the way? They seem to be coming out of the woodwork! They are great but watch out. I heard BERT is forcing words to fit into 768 long trousers. One-size-fits-all is not a nuanced approach anywhere right? Words are shapeshifters and need pants that stretch and shrink on demand for a perfect fit anywhere.

Tired of the data science stuff? Who wouldn’t? The constant drumbeat of my F1 is bigger than yours is enough to drive anyone up the wall nowadays. I do not blame you.

Anyways, hopefully, you have enough ideas here that you can get started on. And we have not even touched the stock market. The veritable driver for all predictive efforts. All these other predictions people are making, well yeah – the end goal is to make $$. So just short circuit and predict the top 20 stocks for 2020. If you get them right, you will not need to worry about making these god-awful predictions ever again.

Nice chatting with you again. Before I forget, Happy New Year & Decade. Take care. We will touch base in a year or well a decade if we are still around…

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